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In 2023 I am developing skills creating fine art portraits. To further my goals giving doing these sessions for free. The sessions are open for any gender, age, body type, genre, or appearance. Google "Fine Art Portrait" for examples of the desired outcome. The sessions are in my home studio in Rhinelander. If you are interested in scheduling with me please send me a DM and I will send further information.

Below are samples of work I've created to date.
1022 Amanda Picture Frame Shoot 202301271063 Thanksgiving with the Kids 202211251076 Amanda Picture Frame Shoot 202301271099 Fine Art - Face - Amanda Wendt 202211031168 Fine Art - Face - Amanda Wendt 202211031222 Amanda Picture Frame Shoot 2023012720110116-20110116 Chattanooga Aquarium-762320160609 Mackinac Bridge-262020180521-1DX_168320230110-2156v120230110-228520230110-234720230113-_3__509520230113-_3__5135Fishing on a foggy dayIMG_0722v2 4x5 (8x10)Lisa-1478v1